miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010

Looking after environment

Week´s post is related to looking after the environment, especially through recycling. I think learn about environmentally friendly practices are a very important task, but unfortunately there are not many places or ways for learn about these practices. Maybe internet is the best way to get updated information about this subject.

I don’t have much information about recycling and I don’t have many habits about it. But if I’m walking for a place always I look for any trash can, where I can throw all the garbage that I have.Also, I always try to put papers, can of drink or fruit peel in the correct trash . In fact, I never throw papers on the floor; I keep it until to find a trash can.

I have never thought about this topic: looking after the environment. I feel very far from that in my daily life! For example: I've never used a bicycle to move around the city, in general I use public transport or car. But sometimes I prefer walking around parks or quiet places.
Moreover, I have never contributed in some kind of ecological organization, because I have not known any in depth. But If I would have more information for participating or helping somehow.

In spite of the importance of this issue, there is little information or awareness on the part of us all. For that reason I think is very important to bring people to have more knowledge about this topic. I think the most important thing it would be contribute through small and simple acts like to disconnect electronical appliances if you are not using
or turning off lights during the day.

Finally, it would be very useful to development different social level strategies that have impact on people. For example: TV commercials, documentary, psychosocial interventions, etc.

miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2010

ART :)

Well, today I’m going to talk about art. I think art is really important because it help to us to express our feeling in a different, interesting and fun way. And I think is a way of relaxing, too.
I enjoy very much all types of art: sculpture, dance, music, photography, painting, etc, because I think through art you can think about in a different way, you can know the perspective of very special people, you can imagine many things and you can develop your creativity.
I don’t remember very well If I was interested in art when I was a kid, but I can say since my adolescence it has been a very attractive topic to me. In fact, I really like go to art museum and different kind of exhibitions. My favorite museums in Santiago are: Bellas Artes, MAVI and Museum of Contemporaneous Art.
When I was a child I participated in a art competition I was representing to my school. In this competition I won honorable mention award. It was fun! Always I have liked drawing but I’m not amazing in these things, I think I should practice more for to be really good. Also, I’d like paint pictures, but I have not learned that yet.
I think modern art is amazing, specially more abstract works, of artists like Matta or Miró. Picasso’s works are very great too! I like so much when pictures mix many different colors and form and the most weird works are my favorites.
Moreover, I love colors and graffiti! I think is very beautiful when in a city you can walk for different places and you find many graffiti like Valparaiso or Bellavista neighborhood in Santiago. I really admire graffiti art!
Like I said I love weird art and one of my favorite painters is known for to be weird, can you imagine who is he? This artist is Salvador Dalí, who is very famous around the world for painting surrealism. Some years ago I had the opportunity to go seeing some Dalí’s drawings in a exhibition in Santiago. I really was impressed by the amount of detail in his work! I love it!

miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010

Teenage depression

Hi everybody! Today I'm going to talk about an interesting article about psychology. This article named “The kids aren't all right”, talks about increase of depression in teenager.

In general, make a diagnosis of depression is a very hard work, because symptoms are varied and are not presented in the same way in different people. Also, in adolescence this diagnosis is more complicated.

Then, the question in this problem is why are children being diagnosed at ever younger ages? Is it that we are getting better at diagnosing depression in teens? Or is it, that doctors in the UK have followed those in the US and started to medicalise the normal ups and downs of adolescence?

To answer that question, this text describes different stories about teenagers. For example, talks about a girl of 13 years old, called Amy, who she was depressed. She tells about the beginnings of her depression, she says for example: “Everything started to feel meaningless… Before long, I started to self-harm." Moreover, the article shows the difficult of her parents for noticing this psychological problem and describes the consequences of prescribing antidepressants, too.

Anyway, the most important thing is that this trend is very concern, because teens are more vulnerable that adults and is very possible that a depression with an early beginning continues in the time if it is not treated.

Finally, If you are interested in this topic, you can visit: http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2010/sep/18/children-depression-antidepressants. In this website you will find the complete article.