miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010

Looking after environment

Week´s post is related to looking after the environment, especially through recycling. I think learn about environmentally friendly practices are a very important task, but unfortunately there are not many places or ways for learn about these practices. Maybe internet is the best way to get updated information about this subject.

I don’t have much information about recycling and I don’t have many habits about it. But if I’m walking for a place always I look for any trash can, where I can throw all the garbage that I have.Also, I always try to put papers, can of drink or fruit peel in the correct trash . In fact, I never throw papers on the floor; I keep it until to find a trash can.

I have never thought about this topic: looking after the environment. I feel very far from that in my daily life! For example: I've never used a bicycle to move around the city, in general I use public transport or car. But sometimes I prefer walking around parks or quiet places.
Moreover, I have never contributed in some kind of ecological organization, because I have not known any in depth. But If I would have more information for participating or helping somehow.

In spite of the importance of this issue, there is little information or awareness on the part of us all. For that reason I think is very important to bring people to have more knowledge about this topic. I think the most important thing it would be contribute through small and simple acts like to disconnect electronical appliances if you are not using
or turning off lights during the day.

Finally, it would be very useful to development different social level strategies that have impact on people. For example: TV commercials, documentary, psychosocial interventions, etc.

2 comentarios:

  1. I agree with your opinion, I think that the school is an important actor for learn more about the environment

  2. is important that people know the harm of pollution in the world through many ways such as spots :)
